12/24/03 Christmas Eve – Had a wonderful turkey dinner, with all the trimmings at Rick’s Bar. I shared a table with Kimberly from Pacific Jade, who we first met in Matzlan. The music was great with several Mexican singers and of course Josie and Bobbie. I even got up and played bongos with Josie.

12/25/03 Wendy, Andrea and Ron arrived today. Brian and I had a ham and scalloped potato dinner waiting for them at Rick’s Villa. We all had dinner together with Rick, Heike, Josie and Bobbie.

12/27/03 Dave Wallace arrived today. We all met at Rick’s. Dave is the second wave of arrivals due in "Z-What".

12/29/03 Another night at Rick’s Bar and again I played bongos with the band. Maybe I need to start playing bongos. Brian is going to buy a drum kit after his tambourine debut.

12/31/03 New Year’s Eve – This promises to be a fun night here in town. There is music everywhere and there is supposed to be a big fireworks show on the beach tonight…I can’t wait.